I found this in a random search, but it's exactly the kind of castle that I want to put on top of a megadungeon. I've included the floor plan from
this page. So for one of my challenges, I'm going to try to "populate" the first floor of this puppy. I'm pretty rusty, so I might just break out the dice and the stocking chart from either B/X or AD&D DMG.
So these kind of finds are a treasure trove for me. I love making maps, but my castles have always been the "Keep on the Borderlands" kind of square/rectangle/not real world kind of castles. I'll gimp these maps and start putting this together soon...
Crap, this is a "weird looking" castle! Unlike all those realistic castles I always sketch out on grid paper...
Heh - that really had been my problem (heck, I haven't even really tried to do a castle in maybe 20 years). But what I really like about this is how it sits on the land - various levels, the tower - it's just a great castle...
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