Great Pendragon Campaign Follow-Up
From 2017 to 2021, I ran the Great Pendragon Campaign, starting in 480 AD
(I think technically the year 479 actually) and running to 535 AD. For most
of th...
3 hours ago
Sorry - just really tired of the whole OSR debate that's cropping up on too many of the blogs that I read every day (I've got 140+ on my blogroll and I read new posts every day - which helps to explain why I get very little done on MY blog...)
It happens every couple of months. Don't worry too much about it. Just keep your head down and keep doing what you're doing.
Yeah, I know - it just seems really...pointless this time. Yeah, I'll just keep plugging away...
Isn't it pointless just about every time? Just ignore it, and it'll all go away. With luck the people you like wont.
yeah - I'm glad some folks came back after the last broohahah (how the heck do you spell THAT?) - and, yeah, it's probably all pretty pointless...
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