Lunch Hour Encounters
I was thinking the other day that I usually spend my lunch hour surfing blogs. Fulfilling, sure, but not very productive. So I thought, “What if I spent the hour writing out encounters?” I figure if I spent a fairly uninterrupted hour writing, I could get a fair amount done. So, why not?
So here's my ground rules for this project. I will spend no more than 60 minutes on a given encounter (though I may spend less, my life being what it is). If I don't finish, I don't finish. I may, at some point, go back and tie up loose ends, but I don't know that yet. I may also spend a 60 minute period or two tying the encounters together.
I haven't decided if these are going to be megadungeon encounters or outdoor encounters – maybe a little of both, I don't know. Here's the thing: I can't spend a full hour on a single room, I know that – or a single hex (unless it's like a 24 mile hex – but that's like 16 six mile hexes and...um...256 four mile hexes? Really? I could spend an hour doing that...holy cow...)
So, I guess I'm defining “encounter” as “theoretically interconnected areas”, though that may change, too...
Also, I may spend some of the hour creating a map or whatever, in which case it might just be a couple rooms, or a hex or two (depends on how inspired or uninspired I get). Then again, I might just start writing or I may use a pre-created map or something – in which case it might get long (like, if I pull off a 13 or 20 room dungeon map, I could probably stock the whole thing in an hour...I think...
2d6 | RESULTS |
2 or lower | instant death (decapitated or other grevious wound). |
3 | fatal wound (gutted, stabbed through lung, broken back, etc.) die in 1d6 turns. |
4 | severed limb (DM's choice or roll randomly) will die in 3d6 rounds unless tourniquet applied, wound cauterized with fire, or Cure Serious Wounds cast (CSW used for this will not restore lost hp). |
5,6 | broken bone (DM's choice), 2d4+9 weeks to heal. |
7,8 | knocked out for 2d6 rounds, unless wearing a helm. With helm, only stunned for 1 round. |
9 | stunned for 1 round, unless wearing helm. With helm, only knocked down. |
10 | knocked down. |
11 | no effect. |
12+ | a surge of adrenaline returns 1d4 hit points per every other level (1d4 at 1st and 2nd, 2d4 at 3rd and 4th, etc.) At the end of the combat, the adrenaline drains away, hit points are reduced to zero, and the PC faints for 2d6 rounds. |
One Ability | Two Abilities (summed) | |
(E) Easy | Roll 2d6 | Roll 4d6 |
(S) Standard | Roll 3d6 | Roll 6d6 |
(D) Difficult | Roll 4d6 | Roll 8d6 |
(V) Very Difficult | Roll 5d6 | Roll 10d6 |
(A) Arduous | Roll 6d6 | Roll 12d6 |
(N) Nigh-Impossible | Roll 7d6 | Roll 14d6 |
Floor plans of Dirleton Castle, East Lothian, Scotland.
Key: Ground floor: A Kitchen. B Well. C Postern. D Inner courtyard. E Guard rooms. F Entrance passage. G Cellars. H Ovens. I Former postern. J Prison, with pit below. K Courtyard. L Demolished ranges. M Bases of demolished 13th century towers.
First floor: N Lord's hall. O Lord's bedchamber. P Dining room. Q Chapel. R Priest's chamber.
Second floor: S Gun emplacement on roof. T Murder hole. U Kitchen. V Kitchen fireplaces. W Buffet. X Great hall. Y Lord's chamber, base of tower house.