Tuesday, July 21, 2009

So It's Sort of a Sandbox...but a Really Big One

"In old-school gaming, the role of a DM is NOT to tell a story to his or her players. The DM need only provide an interesting and challenging environment for the players to explore and then administer that environment totally impartially. Good players will be able to create a character-driven, interactive story from these raw materials, and neither the players nor the GM can tell where the story is headed." - Paper & Paychecks.

That used to be on the opening page of Knights and Knaves Alehouse, I believe. Anyway, I believe that...mostly. I like just a little bit of epic background plot - but mostly, I like to create settings - ancient ruins, portals to the Abyss, whatever - and hope the players take the bait...

So I'm working a little more on the The Smoke Mountain Region - yeah, the link takes you back to the previous post that I've re-edited to add the new info...


Rusty said...

I think of it as "story making."

Pastor Bill said...

We spent a three hour drive once playing the game - never rolled a die - had to stop because we came to a point where the PCs had decided to launch an ambush on a cave of giants and we needed to play out the combat. Otherwise, it was all collective story making - to a degree... I would generally lay out the options, the party would react to one of them, going their own way (of course)...