I doubt I'll do much more than do a layer of towns, cities and other features, but here's Daen-Ral's Midlands map. I tried to emulate the MERP style a little...
Hand drawn on chart paper (about 24"x30" or 30"x48" or something) folded into scannable regions, scanned, then I used gimpshop to create a layer over the scan (which I cropped, this is about one fifth or something of the total hand drawn world map) and then drew coastlines and forests on the layer, then started coloring. I wasn't sure how to do the mountains - but I just started drawing them in gimp (my originals were just upside down Vs and looked pretty bad). I chose two shades of brown to suggest a little depth on the mountain ranges. Not happy with the desert or the forest - happy with the water and pretty happy with the mountains.
I've been using AutoREALM with my maps and have been mostly happy with the results, although I am not able to do a large poster-size map. I thought about doing a hand-drawn map, as I have a cartography specialization as part of my undergrad degree (back in the pen & ink days) but I found I actually liked my AutoREALM maps.
I've tried autorealm a couple times - and I could never get it to do what I wanted to... I guess I'm just a pen in hand kind of guy (I even bought a pen and tablet for the PC thinking that I might actually be able to jump the curve...but I haven't been able to so far...)
Electric Broadcasts
Bastion is full of broadcasts. The very air you breathe is filled with
transmissions waiting to be received. Radio, telly, machines silently
pinging thei...
Wednesday Action Log 01-15-25
This week has been a whole lot of nothing. But as of writing this, I was
looking at steam and saw Heroes of Hammerwatch II. I don’t know anything
about it ...
The 5e Vigilante City Kickstarter Is Live!
The 5e Vigilante City for 5e Kickstarter launched earlier today. With this
project, Bloat Games is taking the street level vigilante spirit of the
Tuesday Magic Item – Logical Glasses
Gollaon and Voddick watched the quartermaster as they organized and
prepared the supplies for the upcoming campaign. “Very impressive,” said
Voddick. “A fa...
FLGS: The Hobbit Hobby Shop (Fayetteville, NC)
[image: FLGS: The Hobbit Hobby Shop (Fayetteville, NC)]
Recently I was on a business trip to good-old Fayettenam....er,
Fayetteville (NC), home of the 82n...
Greyhawkery Comics: Tasha Cauldron #7
Welcome back readers! Well, his was bound to happen folks. *Tasha the Witch*
has a very long if not confusing history in *D&D*. I for one celebrate the
Bundle of Holding - Solo Rules!
The current *Solo Rules! Bundle from Bundle of Holding* perfectly fits *Matt
Jackson and his YouTube channel*.
Adventurer! You can play many of your favo...
The Ruined Temple
Deep in the Delaver Jungle is an old temple dedicated to Regent Azaselse,
demon of fecundity and unchecked growth. As …
Continue reading →
Seekers of Lore: How to Hero (System)
Yesterday I wrote about using Hero System for my Seekers of Lore campaign.
Today I explore what that would look like. Recognize that Hero System lets
you b...
Correspondence from the Free States of America
*Issued February 29, 2000*
*To the American People:*
Our nation is in ruins. The United States of America, as it once existed,
is no more. The ideals of...
The Intent of Supernatural Attacks in O.G.R.E.S.
Supernatural Attacks in O.G.R.E.S.
*Art by Bradley K. McDevitt. Used under license.*
Some questions have come up recently (even in my own gaming group...
Character Creation Challenge: Aura the Elf Healer
[image: Aura the Elf Healer]
One of the things I have been looking forward to seeing in this group of
characters are the various classes Grenda and I cre...
5e Lingering Injuries
In my *D&D 5e* game, I have replaced massive damage with lingering
injuries, but I have never posted the rules. There were a few design
considerations when...
Celebrate GMs Interview: Mandii Solano
It's New Gamemaster Month! To celebrate, we're interviewing some new game
masters in our Kobold Creates program. In this program, Kobold Press
provides s...
Monster, Maiden, Madonna, Medusa
The medusa is a cool monster that was the victim of TSR’s honeypot
encounter design like so many other female-coded monsters. A close reading
of woman mons...
Skorne v2.1 Update
Then play begins. The renegades awaken in the ruins of a village,
surrounded by smoke, fire, and the dead. One of Skorne’s warbands has
already come and go...
Celebrating Rob Zombie, graphic artist, at sixty
*Master of many arts, including graphic.Editor's note: We don't get many
offers to guest post here on The Silver Key, but here's a rare
exception--my old ...
Rules & Rulings from Session 203
Rules & Rulings from last session!
*Can you Wait until someone else's turn ends?* Essentially, can you hold
your turn until later in the sequence, usually ...
Atavist or ancestor?
Here's a wee conversion I did a few years ago - just got round to
finishing off the paintwork.
I'll probably make a few more of these: enough for a...
The BREAK!! store is open!
Just a short but exciting announcement today, but our store is now open!
Physical and digital books now available to everyone!
*Prices are discoun...
Megadungeons & Hello Neighbor
Hello Dear Readers! I’ve wanted to bloviate for a few minutes on the
#dungeon23 “thing” (or is it #megadungeon23?) for some time but, thanks to
the OGL deb...
SH127 My Brother, My Enemy
With other opportunities having passed it by, I decided to try soloing “My
Brother, My Enemy” for SFB from Module S2 during the holidays. It’s an
Fantastic Review of Adrian Cole’s Dream Lords
Ben Espen has just posted a fantastic review of our 50th Anniversary
Edition of Adrian Cole’s The Dream Lords. The full review can be found
here. Adrian Co...
Miskatonic Monday #331: Trouble At Scarrick Isle
Much like the Jonstown Compendium for RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha
and The Companions of Arthur for material set in Greg Stafford’s
masterpiece of...
Fear in GURPS
Fear in GURPSAdventurers often encounter things and situations that would
terrify a regular person. The rules for fear in GURPS are quite
interesting, but ...
Authority at the Table
The start of an RPG campaign is always an interesting anthropological
moment - particularly if, as is often the case with an online game, the
players do no...
Caves of Chaos: Sticky Sweet and Rotting Flesh
Session 6 was played on 9/12
Io the thief
Gizzard Wannabe the Wizard
Theiss of Gond, cleric
Tiptoe the thief
Boots the ranger
Amnyuthist the halfling
Review: Mothership Adventure Sphere – Part 3
Go to Part 1 THE THIRD SECTOR I really love the concept of Ian Yusem’s The
Third Sector: Take a dozen different third-party Mothership adventures and
Looking At A Bigger Picture, Part 2 of 2
Landscapes are wonderful things, more significant & useful than many GMs
rwealize. This post focuses on using Landscapes, both literal and
metaphoric, usin...
War from the Stars
By Joseph BlochBRW Games1eLevels “Medium” (which is 4-6) The Eventide
Valley has always been a place of mystery for those who dwell in the
surrounding land...
Ergodic RPG Setting Presentations
Going back to the *Greyhawk Folio* has made me realize how it differs from
modern setting material and perhaps why I bounced off of it when I first
The Karthax Mountains
In my opinion, mountains in a Gothic Fantasy setting are for putting
isolated and hidden secrets in. Here's the overview of the Karthax
Mountains before ...
Bathtub Review: Lost Mine of Phandelver
Bathtub Reviews are an excuse for me to read modules a little more closely.
I’m doing them to critique a wide range of modules from the perspective of
my o...
Let Characters Automatically Succeed Sometimes
My friend and Forge of Foes partner, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, wrote a great
post called Embracing the Awesome (subscribe to his newsletter here!)
extolling t...
A Walk-Thru of Unnatural Selection
I received my copy of Unnatural Selection the other day and decided to do a
video walk-thru. I travel through each section giving an overview of one of
My Life in Roleplaying Games: 2024 and 2025
As we head into 2025, here are some brief reflections on my role-playing
activities in the recent past and near future.
I've been really enjoying running ...
2025-01-12 Disk space
2025-01-12 Disk space
It’s that time of the year again. How to get back disk space?
Open the Files application and empty the trash. (How to do this from t...
Hunting White Whales
Happy new year and welcome back to Stargazer’s World. I finally found some
time to blog again, so lo and behold my first post of 2025! It has been a
Artists I Like: Shawn McManus
Shawn McManus is one of the many artists I discovered via Instagram. I know
he has done work for Marvel and DC, I believe, but since I don't keep up
Minimalist Sci Fi Gaming
I'm not sure exactly why, but I've had Star Frontiers on the brain the past
couple of days.
I know the game has a pretty bad reputation among many gamer...
Review: What Lies Beneath
*Disclaimer: **I was provided a review copy of the game. Also, some of the
links below are affiliate links (meaning I get a small percentage of the
sale ...
Traveller: Knight-Captains
I read Space Viking in December and meant to blog about it but there has
been a lot of other reading to blog about lately. It was very useful
context fo...
Arcane thoughts…
Or, as is the case, thoughts about Arcane, two thoughts, or, I suppose,
three thoughts. One, an interesting depiction of mental illness and the
effects of ...
[OSR] 12 Magic Lenses
I feel it is time for an OSR Fantasy article again. Veins of the Earth made
me toy a bit with the idea of magic lenses. VotE includes a spell where a
lens ...
Planet Karus – Session 27
It’s the first session of 2025. We had four players at the table, a rare
treat these days. They decided to finally try and get rid of a major threat
Teoriakatsaus #196
- No GM? No dice? No problem!, kirjoittajana Per Arne Kobbevik, reportoi
Matthijs Holterin yhteistoiminnallisista peleistä.
HeroQuest (and HeroQuest-Adjacent)
Some years ago, when I was making some dungeon tiles, a guy gave me these.
They'd taken all the miniatures out, but apart from that they appear to be
Frightful Fridays! Needleseed Swarm
Hello and welcome back for another Frightful Fridays! In addition to the
biweekly creature theme I’ve decided on for 2025, I’ve got a smaller
running theme...
I Ran The Iron Coral! (Again)
Another day of delving one of my favorite dungeons. This time as a one on
one with a friend, M (see also: the Fever Swamp session).
I did next to no pre...
My 2024 Bloggies Nominations
The 2024 Bloggie awards are here, and *DIY & dragons* is a finalist in two
*official BLOGGIES 2024 art ‘Blugtarp Blogeye and Weyman the Well-...
Renegade Thoul Class for OSE Classic
Freak. Mutant. Abomination. *Thoul*.
You've heard it all by now. It doesn't phase you anymore. You don't even
bother snarkily correcting their pronunciat...
Bringing In 2025 With "AD&D"
That is, AD&D, as in *Adventures Dark and Deep* by Joseph Bloch. Not new,
just the newest form (originally three core books, now two.) One of the
Gaunt dead that cannot die
"One hundred years of vampire cinema: opera capes and neck-nuzzling,
glowing beauties and monster-kid wish-fulfilment. Gone! The whole lot
swallowed up b...
TORCHES (6): A RPG Microblog Collection 4
The "TORCHES (6)" posts are basically my bit of microblogging when I spot
something I like but don't really have a deep opinion beyond "Look at this
Word Count
Some writers track word count to see how much work they’re getting done. I
spend as much, if not more, time erasing things I’ve already written. And
then *...
Find Your Path—January 2025
Find Your Path—January 2025
January 8, 2025
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring the prospect
of mythic power to your pocket and...
Outgunned A Cinematic Action RPG Review
This game totally snuck up on me. I know it’s not the sort of game that
usually see me post about. Well, I haven’t seen a recent game that was
worth rantin...
Adventure Design: Supporting and Opposing NPCs
In any adventure, the party of player characters (PCs) will inevitably
encounter other intelligent creatures and people. These are the non-player
Short Fiction: The New Guy
"Mito," Arden adjusted himself to better take the weight of the standard
flag pole of the Terran Exoplanet Survey. "I'm in the Airl...
Ridiculous Random Results - what's inside?
Some content from my latest booklet- the *Ridiculous Random Results* which
I dropped two days ago - is already available here on the blog. Here's the
The Bright Reality & The Third Eye
Imagine, if you will, a brighter reality. One where auras glow, souls
shines, and magic winds blow ethereal sparkly motes across reality,
energizing the co...
OSR: More Not-Quite Orcs
Want to include Orcs, but also want to do something just a little
different? Try these out.
by Gorrem
HD 0 - 1d4 HP
AR 0
Atk S...
Happy New Year!
So, it’s a new year, and, to quote Bilbo Baggins, “I’m going on an
adventure!” The Borderlands I started a ShadowDark campaign. We’re five
sessions in usin...
Wildernesscrawl Notes: Fellowship of the Ring
I recently had the joy of listening to *Fellowship of the Ring* in
audiobook format, and took the opportunity to take notes about the journey
the charact...
RPG Stuff
Yeah I'm still running that. We did take a break while I was dealing with
the other stuff but we have started back up and Session 16 will happen this
The Illustrator Jane Sala
In “The First Female Gamers” (2014), Jon Peterson identifies three
“decidedly female names” in the of the December 1959 subscriber list of
Jack Scruby’s Wa...
2024 Year in Review
Happy Holidays! It's funny writing this after having de-emphasized my
presence here over the past year as I had intended. The thing is, having a
blog is ...
First Daydreams of 2025
Thinking about a few things that are coming up at the table: Daydreaming
about how reincarnation works. Daydreaming about the Solar System as a
starting Tr...
Fragments of a Journey
I’ve got a new story + art post over on the substack. The time has come to
begin culling and consolidating my different online presences. They simply
take ...
Space Acid, the Mothership Mod
No need to write up a Space Opera retro-clone, just use Mothership as the
basic rules chassis and modify from there. Then you are just creating a
Progress Report - Horror on the Hill
I love the Jim Holloway art from this era of Basic D&D
We missed a lot of time with this campaign! Several of the players are
die-hard Eagles fans (go bi...
2024 Kickstarters
My annual update of the status of the Kickstarters I have backed. No new
additions to the wall of shame and "Lady Ingrade" actually posted a draft
in No...
Gary Con 2025 Games Scheduled!
*Gary Con XVII illustration by Chet Minton*
In March I'm returning to *GARY CON*, now in its 17th year, and as has been
typical for me the past few years...
Word Play – Old monster New monster
I saw this post by Kyana and really liked the idea that changing
something’s name a little can conjure up a whole new idea. I’m looking at
it as sort of im...
[Lore 25] Full Ishtar and Apep Sectors Map WIP #3
I made even further progress with my Lore25 challenge maps: a full
Referee's map including Drill routes, and a Players' map with only the
commonly-known ...
Of ghouls and ghuls
I haven’t been blogging much for some time. Mainly it’s being busy with
work and family, but it’s also just that I’m devoting a lot of free time to
N-Spiration: Gandahar
* We speak of Time and Mind, which do not easily yield to categories. We
separate past and future and find that Time is an amalgam of both. We
separate go...
Happy Tolkien Day
So, today is Tolkien's birthday (January 3rd, 1892).
You will often see it stated that he was born in South Africa, but this is
not quite right. He was a...
Creating house rules, custom rules specific to a local group or campaign,
has been common throughout the history of D&D. What makes an effective
house rule...
Death Bat's 2025 Predictions
I honestly don't have too many for this year. I have a lot in my personal
and professional life to worry about, and so paying attention to gaming
"'It's curious, we are much more afraid of the Others, who aren't very
dangerous, than of the bubbles. I suppose it's because the horror of the
Photo Parade 2024
I’ve decided to participate in the annual Photo Parade (Fotoparade) on
Michael’s blog Erkunde die Welt (Discover the World) again. My post from
last year’s...
Carpe Blogiem: 2024 – A Year In Review
Here are how things went for me in 2024: The Good (What I did well or that
went well) My Patreon continues to grow and remains most of my monthly
The Future Starts Today!
Or some such thing.
Happy 2025.
My blog is 12 years old and I didn't manage to post once a month on here. I
don't know what 2025 holds but I'm trying ...
Happy 2025 - 50 Years of Published Blackmoor!
I hope everyone has had nice celebrations for the New Year and are ready
for 2025 to begin. 50 years ago, TSR published the second supplement for
Bat in the Attic Games and 2025
Happy New Year Folks!
This would be a good time to update everyone on what has been happening
with me and my plans for the upcoming year.
I ...
An Unkindness of Ravens : Solo Play
Continuing the adventures of our small newly formed band of *The
Righteous Vendetta*. We rejoin our band in a small clearing within the
Ravenwold n...
Well of Future Skydropped Things
Somewhere in a forest, in the middle of a ring of mossy stones, there's a
crudely built well, in which people have been dropping things for centuries.
2024 in Minis
[image: My mini painting stats for 2024]
One of my goals for 2024 was to buy fewer minis, and paint more of the
minis I already owned. I made a big sprea...
1d20 Navigator Backgrounds (Lanthanide Horizon)
Navigators are a foraging society in the megastructure of Lanthanide
Horizon - their sept-vessels, each holding an extended family, wander out
from their...
On Unearthed Arcana and other 80s Atrocities
One fateful night in the summer of 1985 I made a momentous trip to the mall
with a pocketful of cash from my first paycheck. Sure, I'd mowed lawns,
Returning to the Veins of the Earth
Patrick Stuart of the False Machine has announced a remastering of *Veins
of the Earth*. I imagine most readers already know what this is; for those
who ...
Tricube Tales sales figures for 2024
I've previously posted the sales figures for *2019/2020/2021*, *2022*, and
*2023*, and a few other indie designers have expressed an interest, so I
Oldhammer T-Shirt - 2025 Edition Drop
As the wheel of time grinds ever onwards, it's time to unleash the
Oldhammer 2025 Exclusive Edition t-shirt into the old world, and jettison
the 2024 Editi...
A Fiftieth Anniversary Year
The 50th anniversary year of *Dungeons & Dragons *is drawing to a close. A
number of projects I'd been planning for this year finally came out, and I
Oracular Kanji Card Improv for Elfgames
Sometimes a DM has no idea what to do. One trick you could try is turning
to a random page in a book and finding a random word to inspire you. But I
Dicey Tales: A Rock & Roll Fable
Wherein your humble scribe uses Dicey Tales (with a smattering of
Barbarians of Lemuria, Everywhen, and other related games) to stat up the
main cast of 19...
Guest Stars - Star Wars Campaign 2025
Since I set my campaign just after the Battle of Endor, I have many main
characters from the movies and TV shows to guest star in the campaign.
However, ...
The Problem With D&D Magic
DnD magic is just fine, if you're playing in "D&D world". For any other
world, it is a barrier to emulation. OSR TTRPGs with settings/genres
different f...
Home Bases as Adventuring Hubs
Few of the published Dungeons & Dragons adventures make use of a home base
that you return to again and again. This is not, in fact, that surprising.
Omeyer, the Weenie Wizard
Photo Credit UnknownInspired by a post on Facebook:
*Omeyer, the Weenie Wizard:* Init +2; Atk short sword +3 melee (1d6) or
magic staff +3 melee (1d4+7) ...
Embarking on a Foolish Endeavor
Over the second half of this year, I've started to get serious (and "full
time") about finally polishing and publishing thinky-adventurey games,
Reflecting on 2024 and Looking Ahead to 2025
The 2024 calendar year has been a different one for me. My players
surprised me by wanting to play *Star Wars*, and then choosing the old D6
System. We w...
Christ is Born!
He whom nothing can contain has been contained in a womb. He is in the
Father’s bosom and His Mother’s embrace. How can this be, but as He knows
and w...
[BLOG] Towards Fomalhaut – and What It Is
The City-State of Pentastadion
(as depicted in a 1932 university yearbook)
“OK, but what actually is Fomalhaut?” is not a question I get asked
"Ark Against Time" Submitted for DunDraCon #48
[image: A colorful thing seems to be made of several elongated pods]
(Ark of Time)
*GM: Matt MorrisonType: RPGSystem: D&D/Arduin GrimoireEdition: 5...
Falling Star
Hearts respond to myths we see
Spring from our soul
Amidst the din of history
Glories of balder and pan
That promise whole
Our dreamings of that shining th...
And To All A Good Night
Grubb Street wishes you and yours a safe and happy Holiday Season.
Rest on the Flight into Egypt by Luc Olivier Merson (1879), MFA, Boston.
Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year from ABC! What better
than to mention a seasonal being? Below are a depiction of the
Callicantzari by Ja...
State of the Blog Year 6
Thus have we reached the 6th anniversary of A Distant Chime! On to the
I wrote only 13 posts this year, the same as 2022 and a b...
RayMen - VotE Remastered Development
The RayMen, slight and fast, aged-but-ageless, backs inherently stooped,
with bright, intelligent eyes.
At the edge of the comprehensible world, where d...
Slush Pile
All the cool bloggers are into slushposting. I think it was started by Dan
over at Throne of Salt? He occasionally does this thing where he takes all
the u...
Put your money where the mists are…
I forgot to post it here, but I did something about my complaints involving
Hasbro yoinking my puppeteer parasite. I converted my 5E block back to 2E
for F...
Women in GIS Workshop
If you aren’t doing anything else on the allotted 2.5 hours of January 24,
2025, then consider tuning in to this Women in GIS workshop where I’ll
share the...
Return to Doodle Land
At last you can all visit the Doodle Land with Tunnel Goon or other
whimsical adventure games! https://evlyn.itch.io/doodle-landHexagnome did
wonderful wo...
D&D Things I've Been Vibing With Lately
Despite a distinct lack of gaming in 2024, I've still been absorbing a lot
of D&D-related material. Books, blogs, podcasts, videos on Youtube...
there's a...
On Manifestos
The paid media was instructed to not print this.
To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our
country. To save you a leng...
Geeky SKAturday SKAliday: Oi to the World!
Next in line for ska songs that should probably be enjoyed every holiday
season: "Oi to the World!"
I only first heard this one when No Doubt covered it o...
50 Years of Dungeons & Dragons -- Play!
And so, as others have mentioned, we come to the end of the first 50 years
of *Dungeons & Dragons*.
How to celebrate, you ask?
Play *Dungeons & ...
Rings of Power: The Inner Circle
*Rings of Power: The Inner Circle*
The PCs are inducted into The Inner Circle, a secret society whose members
are supplied with a ring of power.
They sche...
The Tarot of Pips
Somewhere in your dice collection is a die like this one, the humblest of
dice. Although you don't know it, this small white die carries with it a
#TTRPG Tabletopless: EroTech Gazetteer 06 RELEASED!
You can buy it HERE. A gazetteer containing information and additional
material around the Tabletopless EroTech adult gameworld and campaign.
Legally disti...
Kanoodle as In-Game Puzzle - Part 1
For a very long time, I've been interested in integrating real puzzles into
my tabletop games. I know that some folks prefer to keep character skills
Alternative Experience Awards and Advancement
Alternative Experience Awards and Advancement
(I started thinking about this as a way to make XP awards in 5e come from
all three “Pillars of Adventure” r...
Blue Sky Temple, Revised
Last week, we made a crowdsourced dungeon on Bluesky.
It was fun and it yielded a cool dungeon with a lot of good ideas mashed
This week, I ...
The Reynardine
Reynardines are foxes cursed to go about the world in the manner of men, or
perhaps men that are cursed to go about the world in the manner of foxes.
Pirates and Necromancers, a Play Report
Over the Thanksgiving weekend we did a lot of gaming ranging from
“off-table” domain level stuff to some solo adventures to spell and magic
item rese...
10 new metal Darkmaster passions
Alright, so here's a bunch of examples Passions for Against the Darkmaster
based on some of my favourite metal acts.
"Burn too bright and you'll burn aw...
Play with gray
The other day I came across the phrase “play with gray” on Reddit, a
reference to playing miniatures games without, or before, painting the
minis. It immed...
Zombie Survival Escape USA
Prepare yourself for a thrilling adventure as you navigate through a city
overrun by the undead in Zombie Survival Escape USA. In this heart-pounding
Writing a set of pulp horror adventures based out of New Orleans, set in
and around the Gulf of Mexico and the Deep South. Over at my new blog.
You can f...
Four facts a wizard might tell you
*Most of this is me trying to take this old post and rewrite it as in-world
lore, but Fact #1 is an all-new idea.*
Everyone knows that magic spells ...
Inspectres in Grifton
On November 8, we played a one-off Inspectres game set with the
Starkweather monster hunter tradition, based in Grifton. My Setup I quickly
pulled out and ...
OSR: Magical Industrial Gunboats
Here's some useful information for river-based adventures using *Magical
Industrial Revolution*. Skip to Part 3 or click this PDF link if you just
want t...
To Kill Frost Demons
*The Village's crops froze overnight. In Midsummer! Tax season mere weeks
away, not to speak of the devastating hunger when co...
Death, Injury, and Retirement
I made a custom rulebook for my d&d game that's a mashup of AD&D 1e and
Worlds Without Number, but I wasn't too excited about the death rules for
I went on a walk with my son yesterday. He's on the last stages of his
Eagle Scout rank requirements and he's been roped into a leadership
position. This...
Imperium Maledictum Session 0
Warhammer 40,000: Imperium Maledictum is the new Warhammer 40,000
roleplaying game from Cubicle7. Unlike Cubicle7’s other Warhammer 40,000
RPG, Wrath & Glo...
Saga RPG - The Hiven (Player Character faction)
I have been running a Silmarillion inspired play by post game all of this
year, where the players take on the roles of creator spirits and then the
Thirteen Parsecs Books Ready to Ship
New pictures from Elf-in-Chief, Jason Vey.
Palettes of Thirteen Parsecs books have arrived and shipping will be
[image: Palette of Thirteen Pa...
Class Social Features
Unsatisfied with the number of class features in PF2e/5e that pertained to
the social characteristics of each character class, I went and wrote a few.
Welcome new Greyhawk Fans!
With the publication of the new Dungeon Master’s Guide, there are doubtless
going to be a lot of new D&D players interested in my favorite setting, the
What “Should” Be in an RPG Design Book
What “Should” Be in an RPG Design Book This is an unusual piece because
I want to talk about what “should” be in an RPG design book. Somehow I once
An Interview! With Sarah Carapace!
1. *Right! Something a bit different. Today, I'm interviewing my good
friend Sarah Carapace to promote her current kickstarter Violet Core
Bespoke Bogeymen
The following is a template and set of Generator Tables to create unique
humanoid monsters. While designed for the Ghastly …
Continue reading →
The Witch (GLOG Class)
It's GLOGtober! Happy GLOGtober, everyone.
You treat with otherworldly powers as an equal, or at least as a petitioner
worth their attentions. C...
Third-Party Support: Indigenous Fey
It took the fey quite some time to find their place in D&D. While stories
of a “fairyland” or “realm of the fey” go back for centuries, D&D’s
traditional G...
Keuntungan Memilih Situs Casino Online ALEXIS500
Ada cukup banyak rekomendasi situs judi casino online ketika kita
menjelajahi internet. Semua orang bebas memilih situs yang mana sesuai
dengan kehendak ...
Components in Play
Sometimes people talk about the RPGs they have been playing and it feels
like their games and my games have absolutely nothing in common. It’s like
trying ...
Into the Surf Dungeon....?
What is the Venn diagram between Surfing and Dungeons? and Surf Guitar and
DungeonSynth?Is there one?I don't know, but I have a vast seaside cavern in
my ...
[Dungeon] Hole of the Goblin King
Buckle up and put on some Grieg, we are going on a trip to the Hall of the
Mountain King! ...what? The DM blew all our money on novelty dice and now
we can...
D100+ Terrible Trolls
Trolls come in many shapes and sizes but are united by a ravenous hunger,
exceptional healing capacities, a dislike of thunder/bells/fire, and a
tendency t...
MAGA House of Horrors
This is a recent thing I did… the final image has a lot of text added and
this is obviously for a political campaign… since the campaign has not
launched y...
Star Frontiers: Volturnus Racial Abilities
[image: Ul-Mor in desert]
As you'll know if you followed the spring season of Dan's Olde Time Minis
Show, I've been playing the classic Star Frontiers ga...
A pair of Kickstarters I like
First off is Todd Leback/ Third kingdom games Hex a Day Calender, which
would probably net me some commissions- but never mind me, there will be a
ton of a...
August 2024
My father passed away.
It had been coming since the end of last year, when they moved him to
hospice care. That's when everyone realizes that the numbe...
Back to the Table
The last gaming session I participated in was probably last year as a
player in the playtest of a *Mutant Crawl Classics RPG* adventure via Zoom.
Until a...
Back to the Table
The last gaming session I participated in was probably last year as a
player in the playtest of a *Mutant Crawl Classics RPG* adventure via Zoom.
Until a...
Good Lore/Bad Lore
For our purposes let’s just say that lore is “setting background”:
information about the setting of a campaign. The paradigm is perhaps the
history of th...
Autocrats of Night Campaign Recruitment Open!
The Autocrats of Night campaign is finally open for recruitment!
It will be a big open table megadungeon, with many players likely coming
and going.
Knave 2e Alternate Attributes
Sometimes, I'm exactly in the mood for the classic simplicity of defining
characters entirely by D&D's six attributes, as Knave does. But sometimes,
I want...
Three Demihumans
Featured image by Timi Honkanen Anilins From a distance, they are
indistinguishable from human children, not older than twelve. The only
noticeable differe...
Ladies and gentlemen, Fight On! magazine is BACK!!!
After almost 15 years, the premiere zine of the Old School Renaissance has
returned in force.
Go ge...
Exploring the Wilderness - Life with Rocs
*More solo play with post background after the jump. Next time they should
be at the tomb.*
Vineyard’s Bounty, 8th Rising. On the Old South Road in the ...
OBSCURE RPG – Free A4 character sheet
I recently made an A4 character sheet for the OBSCURE roleplaying game by
Tommy Sunzenauer. If you feel like using it – download it here for free.
What i...
«The Butchery of Agnes Gooder» and Evil Books
Throughout the history of mankind, there have been many evil books that can
damn a person’s soul just by reading or even looking at them. James Raggi,
the ...
The Great Carriage
This is the second of three Mammoth Masher vehicles. For continuity, see
the previous two War Machine articles: the *Command Chariot* and the *Vanguard
Anatomy of a Wonder: Napoleon’s Tomb
I wasn’t going to visit Napoleon’s tomb, but I was in the middle of writing
posts about Civ and I thought “is there a more Civ artifact? The mausoleum
of a...
Anatomy of a Wonder: Napoleon’s Tomb
I wasn’t going to visit Napoleon’s tomb, but I was in the middle of writing
posts about Civ and I thought “is there a more Civ artifact? The mausoleum
of a...
Editions of Dungeons & Dragons
Most of you know that I run an old-school Dungeons & Dragons game for my
daughter and her friends. We started when they were between 10 and 11
years-old an...
Grimdark vs. Eucatastrophe
Noisms has some interesting ideas in this post about his desire for some
depth to his grimdark, and turns to Gene Wolfe and Tolkien for relief.
Now, it ...
*Monster and Knight - Angelina Zhogina*
This game features a small amount of "perma-death". Each player is allowed
to create one *Apprentice* character, ...
It's been a bit
Hey everyone, I hope you are doing well! I've had a lot going on and
haven't had much time to blog lately. Heres a recap of gaming events and
other st...
When did the OSR begin? 2008.
I was looking through a box of some of my old gaming stuff, and I ran
across a bunch of old OSR zines and DIY supplements from 15+ years ago. I
thought, ...
Dragons: The Great Victims of Worldbuilding
I'm not a fan of Wizards of the Coast dragons.
I don't really feel like this should be that controversial. The
organization of dragons based on the colo...
Session #12 & Adventure Sites Compilation
Firstly, I wanted to let everybody know that Adventure Sites I by Coldlight
Press is now available as a free download on DriveThruRPG. It includes my
Gary Con XVI: Where Dreams Came True
After putting it off and making excuses for so long, it was finally time to
make my first ever pilgrimage to Lake Geneva and attend a Gary Con....
The Sun Lich
This is a campaign setting idea I've had for years but never got to use.
Perhaps you can have fun with it?
Edge of Darkness by Ben J
Long ago, a wor...
The Time Bandits
Six boisterous dwarves, who, until recently, were employed by the *Supreme
Being* to fix holes in the space-time continuum. Then they had a
brainstorm: W...
So do I only post on this blog to promote Kickstarters anymore? It seems
like that may be the case. Anyway… Fantastical Classes: Blobs vs. BladesNow
on Ki...
The Economy Engine, v0.2
I made a thing. For D&D 3rd edition, so it might not be that interesting to
a lot of people. But I made it and I think it’s cool. The 3rd edition
Dungeon M...
A Bevy of Beyond the Supernatural Sheets
I don't know if anyone out there is still playing *Beyond the Supernatural*
("BtS"), Palladium's fun* little game of proto-super heroes hunting the
Last move - to self-hosting!
As my vote regarding Substack in the “marketplace of ideas”, I’m moving to
I’m now at (and hopefully staying for a long time at)
Blog: ht...
Gwenevere (2023)
Poster by Sarah McIntyreBanished from Camelot, Queen Gwenevere (Laura
Frances Martin) must travel across wild country to the abbey where she is
to live out...
Of Urbanity in Troika!
This was sparked by someone asking about Orbital Intelligence's crapland.
which is about crappy suburbian.I jokingly call it a crappy suburb of
Troika! (t...
On Play-Style
Welcome to the third post wherein I lay the groundwork for this blog's
future direction. Today, I want to discuss the concept of *play-style* as
it perta...
Time Rolls On
Today is December 31, 2023, in the mid-afternoon. In less than ten hours it
will be 2024. 2023 2023 was a good year. But all years are good years. Both
d66 Classless Kobolds Linktree (of sorts)
As of Summer this year, I have changed jobs to work as a middle- and
high-school Humanities teacher for a classical Christian school. As such, I ...
This Blog Has Moved!
The new blog: samsorensen.blot.im!
This blog, Caput Caprae, is old and deprecated. If you're looking for the
latest, freshest, hottest, coolest new...
Falkrest Abbey Review
Hello All – It has been quite some time since we talked. There was this
little pandemic that happened, and life got all crazy. I played a hell of a
lot o...
Using Hex Kit for Thirty Years Reuel, 2nd Age
Here’s a sample of what I am working with to populate a hex map for my West
Marches style game. I’m using the Cairn 2e playtest and running it on
Owlbear R...
Angels, Demons and Subtle Bodies
It’s delightful when D&D-isms sometimes converge with ancient wisdom, even
accidentally. I was watching a video from Jonathan Pageau earlier today
A Short Update
Nothing new to share in terms of D&D stuff, but I have to say I've been a
little more productive on another project now that all social media sites
are u...
Monster Stat Concept: Disposition
Yesterday, I introduced the concept of monster Motivations as a way to help
understand how to use that monster when designing encounters, or what they
SORCERER (Afterword)
Hi there. I'm sure you, astute reader, have noticed that this blog isn't
very active anymore. That's because I don't quite have the inspiration for
it. N...
The State of the Metal Earth and What's to Come.
To begin with, I'm still here and still doing stuff.
The good news, I suppose is I have had a change in the way I approach game
In the past I...
Eberron for Savage Worlds Revised!
Eberron for Savage Worlds has been republished with updates and expanded
content and is now available in print and PDF through DriveThruRPG.com!
There Were Dice
I started my Spelljammer game last weekend. It was my first time DMing
since December 2021. I wasn't as rusty as I thought I was going to be, but
I *was ...
Mad Max custom figure
This amazing custom was posted on ebay at the beginning of 2023. The
seller's account was listed as Old Colony Hobbies. It looks like there are
a lo...
Moving to Markdown
In one sense, it's a no-brainer to move away from Blogger. The interface is
archaic and unpredictable, the platform is limited in capability, and as a
Beneath the Cliffs - part 4
This week, I've finished up two more sections of the Ruined Monastery of St
Amruss. I wrote the last descriptions of the kitchen area and wrote up the
Chronicles of the Adventures in the Dune Imperium!
Cover art for Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium core rulebook
I have one of the few copies of the Dune: Chronicles of the Imperium core
rulebook that were ...
Notes on a semi-successful skill system
When I finished my Team Tsathogga campaign back in 2019, one of the things
that I noted afterwards was the extent to which fighters had struggled to
This is an Important Game Mechanic
*"That's the GM's Regional Map from my AOWG. And it's a damned good
regional map. It's not a good map for a Simple Homebrew Campaign. It does
some s$&...
2e Character Sheet
One of the most popular posts on this site over the years has been the 2nd
Edition AD&D character sheet I cooked up for our game in the early 90s. I
In Defense of Race As Class
Race As Class! Baffling to some, overly simplistic to others, gold to me.
Race As Class does what even AD&D didn't have the balls to do: it not only
says "...
Knock! Issue 3
Knock! Issue 3
Hey all! I'm a contributor to the OSR zine Knock! I wrote up 12 Sword Saint
techniques specifically for your Fighter character!
Click the ...
What’s in the Wizard’s Mug?
Mmmm smells good! Just a sip… 1d8 1- A potent shrinking potion. You are now
swimming in the cup alongside a drenched wizard. 2- Hot Green Slime. That’s
Announcing: Book of Extinction
We're working with a good friend of ours, Lucas Zellers (@SparkOtter), to
craft a new book that gives life to extinct animals through Dungeons and
Abiørn's Satchel
This weathered leather satchel is tooled in nautical designs and is full of
rose-colored salt. Rubbing the salt on a sea creature will dry it out and
It's 2021 and the Dream is Dead
So reads the cover caption of Mayfair's *Underground*, published in 1993.
Taking place in 2021, *Underground* is unusual in terms of genre; perhaps
My FREE RPG 12v12 Is Out Now!!!!
I hope everyone is well. I am very excited to be able to share a little
game I have been working on for a while. 12v12 is a D12-based multi-genre
RPG, an...
"Things to Find" tables and Velonia
So in my Lost Carcosa supplement something I did was have an encounter
table as well as a "Things To Find" table for each region. I initially
assumed th...
Short Shelf of Picks - Vol. III
Blood in the Roots
This is a packed little half fold pamphlet. Evocative in a way that I
appreciate. I am aware of Trollish Delver Games (Scott Malthous...
The Visitor Royal Telepath
I have taken a little break from blogging to set up the Ravens Purge
campaign for Forbidden Lands for my friends on Discord for a bit of a
change of pace. ...
The Spine of Night Premiering at SXSW Tonight!
*The Spine of Night* will be premiering tonight at *SXSW*. I am extremely
excited about this one! If the past output from Morgan King/Gorgonaut has
been ...
Troubleshooting Detachments and Forts
I'm running custom Detachment rules which are a mash-up of *Into the Odd's* company
rules and *Apocalypse World's* gang-sizes so that ship crews in my pi...
A new beginning
I've been blogging here for a while now, but I think it's time to move on
to a new blog with a new title. There's a lot of dragons and flagons and
Context-Sensitive Encounter Tables
The goal of these encounter tables is to provide dynamic, context-dependent
encounters with as little additional work as possible pushed onto the
referee. ...
The Why of a Blog?
Because Writing Helps You Learn
Journeys of discovery are not something you start doing, but something you
gradually stop doing. — Erling Kagge, Walking: ...
New OSR Products at DTRPG — November 26th, 2020
This is the first Thanksgiving in years that I have not worked. Kinda
A Misplaced Prince - Featuring "piranhakeets", which I thin...
City of Heroes / City of Villains roster
Mid September I’ve returned to a game I’ve played for a while a long time
ago. At the time, I didn’t focus on the mechanics, or the story: I just
wanted to...
Time Management and the Role of Caller
Last week was the first session of my Wednesday night Roll20/Discord
group’s new B/X campaign (a continuation of a long-running AD&D campaign
that went o...
Owl Con Live Blog 2.2
Who knew that in the bowels of the Humanities building...
...Professor Norm offered a course on the Caves of Chaos???
Meanwhile, behind the screen...
Nightmoor Abbey Level 1 Saturday Night Specials
Using the Megadungeon - Random Area Name Generator, the area names from the
Diablo games, and game reports from In Places Deep as inspiration below are
Using the Rainy City with Risus: The Anything RPG
S. John Ross's *Risus: The Anything RPG* can do anything. It says so right
on the tin.
And, if it is anything, the Rainy City is certainly something!
But ...
TV update
Sony doesn't rush with updates, this is Android 7 to 8.
They have also changed their custom GUI. The 'Discover' button on the wheel
which used to do not a ...
The following are some alternative ways I want to try out in my home LotFP
game. I already use Session Attendance & Carousing but I want to try the
The Kickstarter has Funded!
Our first Kickstarter has funded in the first day. Pretty pumped! Some of
you reading this have already received some version of these accessories in
Old-School Essentials Online Tools and SRD
My 2nd favorite incarnation, OSE, of my favorite D&D rule set, B/X. [My
1st favorite is Necrotic Gnome's previous, B/X Essentials, cause it was
soft backe...
Ptolus returning in new Kickstarter campaign
Sometimes, you spot an impressive gamebook on a friend’s shelf, and wish
you could take it home with you because it’s out of print, and you’ll never
get yo...
High INT Bonus - "Floating" Spell Slots
*Bonus Slots per Day*
*INT 13-15 +1*
*INT 16-17 +2*
*INT 18 +3 *
High INT Sorcerers gain “Floating” Spell Slot(s), each equivalent to One
Spell Level.
Subtle Verve
In putting together *Beeswox*, I ended up adding a couple rules without
precedent from the original sources, but I feel they tighten up the system
as a who...
Four GLoG Houserules
*Four Houserules* *This is based on Skerple's hack of GLoG.*
*1. Fleeing* To run from combat you need to roll under 8 + your amount of
unoccupied item slot...
Spoils of the Gorgon Coast: The Degenerate Heir
As the kickstarter for the Zinequest Quartet winds down, I find myself in
awe of the amount of folks who seem interested in my project; especially
given t...
24 hours left on the Questing Beast Kickstarter!
The latest adventure I’m working on for Zine Quest, The Waking of Willowby
Hall, is fully funded and has all its stretch goals unlocked! There’s less
Caverns of Thracia session log: February 2, 2019
System: B/BX.
Players: Niku and Loretta (Les and Myrtle) and Emily (Bagira.)
*If you're playing in my game, please do not read the following. You may
Reevaluating My RPG Gamer (NON) Life
*After the 4E Apocalypse and the OSR*
Well my old group from back in 2006-2009, well some of the people started
to suck and make it n...
Blank space and mechanical fluff
Perhaps my favorite part of any character sheet is the 'appearance'
section, especially if it has an area for drawing a character portrait.
People should b...
Review: Cockamania!
Cockamania! is a 30-page mini-setting based in Filipino culture and
folklore. Cockfighting is the main theme of the text, but it also includes
Mold lines are the bane of my existence
This afternoon I was putting some models together, cleaning mold lines, and
doing some basing. Mold lines are a long-running antagonist for my hobby
Cuckoo Guild
Lexi over at her blog has recently made a very solid template for
extensible Thieves in the GLOG tradition, with the pitch that the unique
thing for Thieve...
Prinny Dood!
Prinnies are the souls of the dead who are working off their lives of sin
either in the heavenly or infernal realms before they are able to
Troika! review/overview
As an avowed Advanced Fighting Fantasy fan, I've been a big fan of Daniel
Sell's Troika!, even though I've STILL not got it to the table. It's a
really te...
Carwyn & The Revelthanes Of The Feywild - I
"ARGH!" - The cry of Carwyn was not of pleasure anymore, but it went
unheard, absorbed by the densely misty night as if the Feywild itself would
have want...
Xenia: The Reaction Roll and Hospitality
[image: Related image]
*This is primarily for Swords and Sorcery/Sandals games.*
Xenia is the Greek term for hospitality and is the ancient code of conduct...
session recap, 1/5/2020
Pai Mei the Wu-Jen (7)
Biff the Fighter (6)
Clint the Duelist (4)
Assorted Henchpersons / Temporary PCs: JoJo the Healer (5), Phil the
Healer ...
Finders Keepers - Background and Sources
Credit Konstantin Vavilov
For the rules and character generator, see here. This is likely to be a
long and boring post, go make some funky weirdos instead...
Across the Editions — Encumbrance
So in hindsight it was a terrible idea to start a blog just as my
dissertation was ramping up. I'd also like to thank Google for ensuring
that all previou...
Winter's Daughter Play Report and Review
*"Delve into the **fairy-haunted **forest of **Dolmenwood"*
*"The tomb of an ancient hero, lost in the tangled depths of the woods. A
ring of standing ston...
Graded success for roll-under d20
This is a sort of half-baked add-on inspired by Call of Cthulhu 7e's graded
difficulty system for roll-under d100 resolution. It assumes 3d6-based
ability ...
Squarehex 2019 Review and 2020 Plans
2019 was a good year for the business. The two highlights for me were
getting *The Black Hack Second Edition* rewards sent out to our Kickstarter
backers ...
Garm Bays Loudly
I'm happy to announce the release of a new scenario for my old Norse magic
trpg: Beyond the Fence, Below the Grave. Garm Bays Loudly focuses on a
Norse ...
The Nightmares Underneath 2nd Edition
I don’t use this blog much anymore, but since I don’t have a new website
set up yet, I should announce this here: The second edition revision of The
A World of Our Imagination
*The essay below was written as the final paper of a composition class at
*From Genesis to Revelation*
*A very brief history of Dungeons & Dragons*...
Encumbrance rules
If buying equipment at char-gen is often a waste of time, keeping track of
the weight of each item is often too much even for the fanatic OSR player.
What the hell have you done to Stonehell?
I thought I'd increase the difficulty of running Stonehell slightly by
reconfiguring the maps slightly. This is the test layout of the first level
of the...
New Map of the Elf Empire and Southern Isles
I’ve been having fun developing a new map-drawing style that I think is
finally reaching a certain level of maturity. And yeah, it owes a lot to Matthew
death stranding review'd: to love supply
*Snaps and buckles, backpacks and belts.* The game ends in a signature
Kojima-annoying fashion; two hour cutscene including two separate credit
rolls, th...
Dark Crystal TV Show
*Edit: I have changed my mind drastically about this show. I plan on
writing a follow-up sometime soon, but after watching the rest of episode
1, I watched...
I have no intention of abandoning *Lukomorye* any time soon, but my goal
was always expand into other historical-fantasy settings - a Central
The Howling Caverns (5e)
The hunched beast prowls the forest, sniffing at the still air. The roiling
sky flashes and thunder breaks the silence. The time is near and the beast
BeastieScotInktoberFest: #31 - Wild Hairy Haggis
My heart’s in the Highlands,
twa strings on my bow
To hunt the fierce haggis,
man’s awfu’est foe.
And weel may my bairn
ha’ a tear in his ee.
For I shalln...
City Map System & Making a Spooky City
This is a system to quickly and easily create unique cities that are
detailed during play, using randomization and simple procedures. Content is
provided b...
One Hundred Thieves' Tools
"He dropped into the garden noiselessly, and I watched from my tower window
with rapt curiosity. The thief approached a guard and quietly dragged him
off i...
Nuts & Bolts #161 - Gotta Get Away
*So, last week over on his blog Andrew posited some ideas for GMs looking
into introduce a big bad and enable their escape from the players. (you'll
Them Bones of Adventuring - XXV: Stealth Revisited
*An ongoing exposition on table procedures for common exploration feats and
rules, which began here with part one*.
Though for the most tr...
Mine Playset Finished
Boy, it feels good to see a project through to completion. The color
scheme looks really good. It was a good first run, especially in getting
an idea...
Dungeons & Dragonmead Fall Schedule
*As you know, I run public classic Dungeons & Dragons games at **The Loaded
Die**/Metro Detroit Game Night's Board Game Nigh at **Dragonmead**, in
*In this installment, we learn that you can make a percentile system really
complicated if you keep adding special results and that DQ doesn't stand
for "D...
TFH&P Release Notification Signup
Dear Friends, This game is very near to completion, and there has been a
flattering amount of interest in the game since the kickstarter campaign
ended. So...
2019 RPGaDay 21: Vast
The potential experiences available to RPG-players is vast. When one
considers the number of genres, sub-genres, character-types, races,
classes, gen...
Knights and their Towers
Knight's towers were fortified self-standing buildings, several-stories
high, most often erected on a plan similar to a square. They contained both
Basic Land Cannons: Classic and OSR
Basic Land Cannons
Threw together some basic cannon rules for a bit of fun carnage.
First up: I'm keeping it simple.
Cannons are complicated; there are many...
Echoes of Prohibition
Prohibition is a nearly forgotten time in Maryland history, despite the
still-visible paint on the side of a Fell’s Point building urging residents
to “Vot...
Dangerous Reviews (2 of 3)
This is the second part of my ongoing review of the 1967 sci-fi anthology *Dangerous
Visions.* Find *part 1 here* (for reviews of stories 1 through 11), an...
Elsai Overview
Elsai is a small planet and the only inhabited one orbiting its star. From
its spaceport—nothing more than a flattened chunk of rock used by stellar
Tomb of the Serpent Kings: Session 1
Finally got around to running a session using my in-development Yoon-Suin
Lamentations of the Flame Princess hack. I decided on using Skerples' Tomb
of the...
Can't Stop Thinking About Weapons
Predictably enough, when I set down to whittle the 5e rules down to
something that I'm interested in running, one of the first things that I
take a look at...
This is only for followers ...with thanks!
Thank you for following and here are a few newer [ish] pieces which I do
hope you enjoy.
They are in no particular order and if some appear to be 'older' i...
New Website!
Sorry I haven't been posting, have been adjusting to a new job and dealing
with personal things. Now I get to show you one of the things I've been
Friendly Advice: Finding Inspiration
This past week I spent my days in the verdant mountains of Pennsylvania
near a small town called Bedford. It was a farm that went by Fort Royal
where a mus...
Another way for Udemy to screw things up
Udemy now expires all free coupons older than 30 days. This is to prevent
"coupon abuse", though they don't say what that actually is. It's in
Udemy's inte...
100 curious thing for a setting.
As your genial host let me welcome to lovely "insert place holder name"
world. It is a wonderful place to have a vacation during this part of the
aeon. As ...
And Now the News Draft Download on Patreon
It's self-styled Throwback Thursday and *having just released the 34-page
draft booklet of Hill Cantons news to my Patreon backers* I am going to
indulge m...
The Mythology of Moog
*Mythology of Moog*
*The following is a long-accepted translation from the Codex Incarnaeum
which describes the birth of the world. The views expressed...
Hearts of Wulin Kickstarter
*Hearts of Wulin*,* an RPG of wuxia melodrama, funded in less than an hour.*
Driven by the characters’ duties, desires, and entanglements with other
DOWNLOAD FROSTCRAWL HERE Frostcrawl is a hexcrawl for use with Heroes &
Other Worlds or Blades & Black Magic. The map coves 441 hexes to explore
and I p...
Two Thieves
Jeff Easley's BECMI Thief I’ve recently decided to run an OD&D game. This,
of course, brings with it the age-old question of which version of OD&D
Character - Marigold Silvereyes
I'm playing in a 5e campaign from next week, and I find 5e can be dull and
uninspired. So I left it to this generator for my 5th level starting
A Number of Irelands
In looking at various ways to abstract the game down to its fundamentals,
one starts looking at things outside the rules a bit - or, things that
start to ...
James's Celebration of Life
We could not have asked for a prettier day for James's service. It was a
bit chilly and windy but gorgeous. A heartfelt thank you to all that joined
us tod...
2017 and 2018 Anime
If you haven't watched the 1997 series of Berserk, do yourself a favour and
check it out. The most 90's anime ever, from the grunge soundtrack to the
The Mutant Insurrectionist: Talking about zines
Okay, here's an awesome new thing I made for Gathox - it's a zine. I'm
gonna post the link first, so you can go get a copy, and then I'm going to
talk abou...
Dick Dale
I'm sad today because one of my personal heroes has passed away today. Dick
Dale was 81, and to me that's too young for a man who was such a giant
The G+ Apocalypse
This is where to find me after the fall of the G+ empire. Facebook
https://m.facebook.com/brett.slocum Blog Https://joyfulsitting.blogspot.com
The Tekumel ...
Human Infravision
Gizmodo reports "By injecting nanoparticles into the eyes of mice,
scientists gave them the ability to see near-infrared light—a wavelength
not normally vi...
FLINTLOCK FANTASY: Episode II Play Report!
The second session kicked off with the aftermath of the Machetza showdown
and monstrous attack at the Welcome Arms *(which you can read about HERE)*.
The p...
Removing Support from Zak Smith
[UPDATE February 14th, 2019: Zak has issued a statement responding here. I
am not convinced to change my position below, but it introduces some doubt.
I m...
Regarding Zak
I hope that Zak engages with some sort of accountability process, takes
responsibility ...
A Sojourn Among Antediluvian Archæotheria
This started with nomenclature, as so many things do. I started writing a
response to Scrap Princess's post about Dinosaur naming conventions in the
Profane and Profound Prep Part 2
This is part 2 of my work to edit my magic items for a DMsGuild release,
along with adding cursed items along the way. Here is part 1. Bone of a
Saint 8000...
Prisoners of the Gelatinous Dome DCC Conversion
*This is a DCC conversion for Jeff Call's excellent one-page dungeon
Prisoners of the Gelatinous Dome! Get it here: gelatinousdome.tumblr.com
(direct link...
SWADE Update!
The Adventure Edition Update for Accursed is now freely available for
download from DriveThruRPG. This is just a bare-bones document, to help
players who w...
Frightful Fridays! Opportunistic Griffons
Hello and welcome back to the first post of 2019. I hope the new year has
started well for you. I'm making up for lost time with five monsters for
you this...
Please, I don't do paid advertisements - don't ask.
A little note since people have asked me about this. My video channel's
*not* an advertising platform, so I'm not available for hire if you want to
Please Update Your Link!
If you're seeing this, it means your link to the Greyhawk Grognard blog is
out of date.
Please update your link to www.greyhawkgrognard.com (RSS feed is
Stocking the Dungeon is now on MeWe!
I never did a lot of RPG stuff on Google+, for some reason the interface
and spam I'd run into there just kept me from getting that into it. I was a
bit sa...
Dragon Scale Armor
Running a 1e campaign now featuring a dragon (a few, actually, but one main
dragon). So dragonparts will be on the treasure menu eventually. If the PCs
Worldbuilding Through Shops
'Arms Dealer in Cairo' by Jean-Leon Gerome
In the classic module B2: Keep on the Borderlands, Gary Gygax suggests
allowing the players to begin interacti...
Total Sales for WB:FMAG
Hi Folks,
It's been a long time since I provided an update for the sales of White
Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game.
Print: 396
PDF: 433
Review: Tome of Holding
In a hoard of gaming accessories, it is hard to stand out in the crowd. I
think Alex Ingram has done just that with the Tome of Holding Kickstarter.
I wait...
How can We Destroy this Campaign World?
1. You must trick a bard into strumming the *Chords of Fate* on the *Lute
of Annihilation*
2. Legends tell of thermonuclear weapons beneath megadunge...
The Ergonomic 3 Mile Hex
So if my blog numbers are correct, everybody loves the six mile hex. It has
the top number of posts with the most comments. All in all the 6 mile hex
is ...
Troika: Numinous Edition 24 hour warning
This is the obligatory 24 hour reminder, and then we can all take a
The Troika! Numinous Edition Kickstarter is 24 hours...
The West is Dying: Book 1 Fall of the First World
The West is Dying
Book 1 Fall of the First World
Written by David C. Smith
$2,99 Kindle
$19.99 Paperback
I read a few of David C. Smith's books back in...
TAG @ Ten Sales
In case you hadn't heard, Triple Ace Games turned 10 years old, and they
are celebrating with a pair of "Greatest Hits" style bundles for Savage
Worlds and...
Goodbye and Good Luck
Well some of you may have noticed this blog has been down, restricting
access for some time. For various reasons I've decided to step away from
the OSR...
Crouching and Screaming
Wonderful 1978 illustrations by Outi Markkanen (Finland, b.1951) on Kuriosas.
Visit the link for many more illustrations from *Kurnau ja Kamaluu*.
New blog
Ok, people, time to update your bookmarks. I'm moving this blog to another
domain, so this is my last post here.
You may find the new blog at http://letra...
Game Pitch Outline: Night Train
*Game Pitch Outline: Night Train*
*High Concept:* Ravenloft modern with undertones of Kult’s Metropolis
meets *Mission Impossible*
*The Pitch*
What ...
the MOONS of KOS
Kos has five moons.
1. the White Huntress
Largest of the moons. Unwavering and constant, crowding the horizon. She
lightens the seaward prow, bathes t...
Hirelings for my Barrowmaze campaign
I have been creating a random generation spreadsheet for hirelings for my
new Barrowmaze campaign, which is set in my Japan-like setting called
Oyashima. ...
Thouls are undead abominations. Patchwork creatures, they possess a
strangely refined version of the canibal cravings of ghouls. They will chew
off a part ...
Regarding ACKS and Autarch LLC
One of the few RPG products that carries my name in the credits is the core *Adventurer
Conqueror King* rulebook. I helped out with editing and proofreading...
Comertul online si lenjeriile de pat
Avand in vedere amploarea pe care a luat-o comertul electronic in ultimii
ani in tara noastra, putem intalni pe intreg internetul magazine online
care ofer...
Hinterverse, a Glossary
Antikytheron, the
Core prognostication device of the Great Machine, origin unknown.
Arcturean Arm
A minor spiral arm of the Hinterverse.
The birth...
On Absolute Evil
When Henry James wrote *The Turn of the Screw*, he was careful to leave the
actions of the ghosts Quint and Jessel unspoken. Their relation to young
Miles ...
Clue: The Great Museum Caper
Clue: The Great Museum Caper is a game from my nerdly youth that, sadly, I
never got to play truly.[1] I admired its place of honor on a shelf for
years, a...
2018: I Yam What I Yam And I Don't Give A Damn
Time for another year-end beatdown.Time to roll another one out. This past
holiday season I resolved to be more mellow than previous years, which I
met w...
New Free PDF Module: The Hyqueous Vaults
A new dungeon module—written in celebration of OSRIC's 10th Birthday—by
Rebecca Dettmann, Allan T. Grohe, Jr., Jimm Johnson, Matthew Riedel, Alex
Zisch, a...
Numenera - The Devil's Spine - Session 12
Once Upon a Time in the Ninth World
Welcome to our group's campaign log for *The Devil's Spine*, a
mega-adventure by +Monte Cook for the *Numenera* cam...
Behold Beyond Dread Portals now has a cover!
Our upcoming release of Paul Mitchener's Dimension Hopping Fantasy
Adventure game, Beyond Dread Portals, now has a cover courtesy of Jon
Hodgson. Continue ...
10 More Zombie Survival Intro Scenarios
Last year I shared a list of 10 Random Zombie Survival Intro Scenarios
based on my ad-hoc zombie survival/horror game (which is kinda like a DCC
Funnel b...
Dolmenwood: The Book of Monsters So Far
Since the announcement of the work on the Dolmenwood book of monsters in
*Wormskin* issue seven, I've been meaning to write a quick blog post about
Puerto Rico and Caribbean Hurricane Relief Bundle
“Puerto Rico was devastated by Hurricane Maria a few short weeks ...
More Kesmai Corporation Isle of Kesmai images
Sorry it's been so long since I've blogged here guys. Here's some more fun
Isle of Kesmai images showing the various stages of creating the Isle of
Three days left and it's getting close! C'mon, gamer friends...jump aboard!
Even if you're Old School, there's still a lot of great inspiration
Adventure Lookup
This looks like a handy resource : AdventureLookup.com
Looks like more than 200 1e/B/x/osr adventures in the database so far.
Should come in handy next tim...
(Video) Game Review: Crawl
So my gaming group all hang out together and one of us had this new video
game, Crawl from Powerhoof We got so distracted we didn't even play out
Happy Gygax Day!
July 27th was Gary Gygax's birthday, and now it's Gary Gygax Day. I think
that's a worthy thing for the RPG community; Gary didn't create RPGs but he
Eurafrika Attacks! [Campaign Idea]
Around about 1929, a German architect by the name of Herman Sörgel came
with an idea he called Atlantropa. The idea was simple (no, not really) -
he was go...
Moving Day!
I’ve decided to start blogging on Blogger. I’ve written a more detailed
post over there. For now everything I have previously written will be
archived here...
A Goblin Wedding
*Sometimes*, goblin weddings. (Lots of inspiration from Arnold K and Zak S,
Yes, I have a Goblin King. I guess he's David Bowie.
*The wedding takes...
It's hard to do horror in D&D
I love the Ravenloft setting, but I have to admit that it is really hard to
pull off horror games with Dungeons & Dragons. The biggest issue is
clerics. Th...
New Adventure for AZ on the Way
So, Adventure Locale #1: White Star Trailer Park is coming soon! It's a
location based adventure for my zombie apocalypse game, AZ: After Zombies.
When it'...
The Big Time, by Fritz Leiber
The Big Time was originally serialized in Galaxy Magazine in 1958 (A
two-parter featured in the March and April issues). Gutenberg
link: http://www.gutenbe...
The King Arthur Pendragon RPG is free to download
Hop on over to the nice people at DriveThruRPG and you’ll find the classic
1st Edition of the King Arthur Pendragon RPG by Greg Stafford available as
a fre...
I'm very pleased to announce that I've received the outline and readied the
cover for the first Battleaxes & Beasties adventure that is not written by
me. ...
I Missed the LL Box Set News
Now I know I’ve been out of the RPG circles for quite some time, but how
did I not hear of a freakin’ *Labyrinth Lord BOX SET*…and when can I *get*
one (m...
Notes from the Nystul campaign
In pursuit of further knowledge of the Restenford realm, I was wandering
around over at the Dragonsfoot Archives the other day and found this old
issue of ...
Daily Monster Art- Anhkheg
Again, I don`t think I`ve ever used these in a game.They are pretty gross
gribbly beasts. Spitting acid and chomping and such. They kind of make me
Mapping doors
Doors are driving me a bit batty.
I should explain.
Architecturally, one of the things old-school dungeon mapping has gotten
right, I tend to think almost...
How-to: Under-bed Play Board
Happy Holidays everyone! This year, for Christmas, I undertook my first *real
*woodworking project- meaning one that starts with boards and ends up with
A little playing around
So, I've been going through some of my older work and giving it the colour
treatment. Daisey does most of my colour work but I do like to play around
with ...
Still Out There, a Short Update
I'm not gaming right now and not working on anything GURPS or OSR related
Reason is pretty simple, I'm mostly interested in GMing and while I'm
willing to...
DM Lessons: Mea Culpa
I play a fairly house-ruled version of D&D 5e with lots of more old-school
elements to it. One of the most noticeable elements is my Modified XP and
Grammaton training (Savage worlds)
The character is trained in quickly calculating shooting angles and
committing rigorous gun kata to muscle memory. The character is an expert
in snap shoo...
Oh, for crap's sake, it's been nearly a year and a half since my last post.
In the meantime, my wife and I bought a house, I had a huge pile of
projects at...
6 Years
Today, August 10th, marks the 6th year anniversary of Purple Duck Games and
our 6th year at the OBS (Rpgnow/DTRPG) set of stores. Starting off with a
Thanks, Evlyn Moreau
UPDATE: Evlyn is back! Cool. I hear Evlyn Moreau is taking a break. That's
OK; I hope she feels better soon.
But I've really enjoyed her work, and I feel...
Giambattista's Megadungeon
Doing some organizing in my D&D folder on my computer today I came across
this incredible megadungeon map drawn by Giambattista Nolli in 1748. I
think I c...
Dog Food Coupons and Promo Codes
Over the years it seems as if Pet Food have been get more expensive. There
has definitely been an increase in people looking for Dog Food Coupons,
Encounter Inspiration #16 - Beware the Back Alleys
Be cautious at night traveler, for the darkness brings a life of its own.
Murderers and thieves prowl the inky black alleys of Ravendale seeking
The curious anger against The Forge
I read a post earlier this week that was one of those that makes you wonder
what world the poster lives in. The thrust of the argument was that The
Forge h...
More Little Treasures
Well. My tentative plans to actually post this year were well and truly
derailed over the last few months by everything from surprise renovations
Appendix N: May 2016 Edition
I've been looking for some decent bookcases for about four years.
I finally came across the bookcases, above, which a used bookstore were
getting rid ...
House Rule Updates for my OD&D Game
Back in February, I presented my players with some updates to my house
rules. I handed them a paper at the start of a session and asked everyone
to read ...
AD&D Troll Sculpt WIP
Troll sculpt nearing completion, I've done some more
detail work since taking these photo's. He just needs
his right arm/hand completed. 50mm to top of...
Another d66 Item Chart
For TOON or whatever gonzo thing you're into...
11. Sword
12. Laser Gun
13. Can of Fart Spray
14. Net
15. Pet
16. Guitar
21. Candy Bar
22. Fire Extinguisher...
In Memory of Steve
This is Steve's wife Jenn. I am sorry to say that Steve passed away on
December 21. My love for him will live on, as will his art. Steve's art can
be seen...
[DIY] Faux-parchment
Have you ever thought about doing old looking paper for fancy handouts or
for kids’ scavenger hunts, for example, but felt like its too much work? Me
too! ...
The Ramparts of Tharrenton Deep -- Almost There
My Kickstarter campaign was a success! In the next 4-5 months, I will
officially become an 'author' with a novel available on Amazon. And a few
short mon...
Review: Otherworld Fantasy Skirmish
Since the untimely demise this year of the Warhammer Fantasy setting, and
thus the three decades of games that it spawned, one might have expected
the edi...
The Horus Supremacy
*It is the 41st Millenium. For ten thousand years, the Emperor has led his
grear war-fleets from the Silver Throne of Luna. He is the master of
mankind by...
In Search of the Unknown: How the Party Gathers
[image: B1: The party gathers by David Sutherland]
B1: The party gathers by David Sutherland In a classic D&D adventure,
characters in search of adventur...
Picking Up Where I Left Off
It's been a bit since I have posted to The Sandbox of Doom. In the
intervening time, a lot of things have changed, most of them good.
- I have been ga...
In The Woods is a Monsterparts adventure.
The PDF is for sale here.
It has all the rules you'll need to run the game.
Is designed to make ...
Poker Tables For Sale
Last night, March 15, on an all new "Comic Book Men" on AMC, "Star Wars"
actor Billy Dee Williams of The Stash with the rest of the crew and they
take a ...
A new rpg blog
https://ropeblogi.wordpress.com/ This one is old and feels cluttered.
Rather than try resurrecting this I decided to start a new rpg blog. Some
content is ...
Current Portfolio
If you’re looking my current portfolio, please head over
to www.chrishuth.com. If you’re looking for gaming-related writing or
updates on some other gaming...
Back from the Dead! - Yet Again!
I have never stopped playing RPGs but I have been extremely slack about
updating this blog. No posts for over three years? Uggh... I am running a
campaign ...
Giant squid + giant squid
So much is happening that it's hard to write about any of it. My drafts
folder is littered with abandoned proto-ideas, each dropped when the next
came into...
Mage the Awakening: No Mean City
Way, way back in 2011 I spoke about starting a Werewolf: The Forsaken Game
chronicile in Glasgow. It kind of fell through, but I've about to start
DMing a...
Twenty Questions for the Sewers of San Draso
Jeff’s twenty campaign questions for my Sewers of San Draso campaign, part
1. What is the deal with my cleric's religion?
You’re probably a p...
Not going to be maintaining the FF blog on Google anymore. Mainly because
of this which seems to be the thin end of the wedge.
Fin. With an update
*Updated 2/24/15* - So when I wrote this over three years ago, I had a huge
life project come upon me, it was time to put my energy into something
else. I ...
Episode 30: The Conclusion
‘The Conclusion’ is the 30th episode of a Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG actual
play podcast. Additional information can be found
at http://irontavern.com/po...
Deep Carbon Observatory: The Flooded Land
This is pretty accurate...
The always provocative and endearingly arcane Patrick Stuart at Fal...
Exploring the BigDungeon
I haven't been making much use of this blog lately. Plans come and go. I've
been playing with programming some of my own tools lately as I mentioned a
Mad Wizards and Demented Godlings
*Achaierai:* "Though the foul motives which caused these loathsome birds to
be first summoned from the infernal depths are now lost from memory,
remnants ...
New supplement plus thinking out loud.
Go get it
Tons of options for your characters and scenarios in FiveCore games.
Balancing on ledges, pick pocketing and taming wild animals, we got you
TrollsZine! #8 Is Waiting For You!
*TrollsZine!* #8 is waiting for you!
The eighth issue o...
Fiction: A Disruption
*Another fiction post everyone. Same character as before.*
I lay on the chaise in my long formal dress I wore to a few events in the
late '20s. I have no...
New Campaign 2014 Update
We've been playing 11 session now into the new campaign. The players had
some hairy encounters with Proud, Spider-eye Goblins and Quill Wolves
(along with ...
Team Adventure - Fun and Fungus
Alagon dived into the pool, using his ability to breathe underwater that he
had acquired in the Tomb of the Holy Avenger. Alurax joined him and they
Support My Friend's Patreon Page Cause He's Awesome
Hey guys, if you like supporting independent artists / musicians and
creative types then please check out my friend Mike TV of the band Get Set
Go's Patreo...
Point Buy Calculator for D&D Next (5e)
Figure out the point buy value of your character for the Dungeons & Dragons
5th edition role playing game with this calculator.
STR 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ...
DC Gameday XIV: Casino Karnstein
DC Gameday XIV is coming up on the weekend of March 29th-March 30th and
player registration is already open. After a grueling couple of months of
North Texas RPG Con 2014 Lineup
Well it's time for the 6th Annual North Texas RPG Convention! The NTRPG Con
focuses on old-school Dungeons & Dragons gaming (mainly OD&D, 1E, 2E, or
Prepping for Success
Last week, I wrote about working with success. By leaning into the players'
success, you make your campaign more engaging and exciting. When you put
your g...
Happy New Year!
First of all, I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and a happy New Year's
Eve celebration. Mine was okay, and I'm kind of glad it's all finally over.
Still alive and more useless crap
I wonder if anyone still reads this blog. Anyway, things have been changing
at the speed of light in the last few months so I feel like a little update
is ...
Check It Out...
And speaking of building new worlds...I've been a regular reader of Rob
Conley's Bat In the Attic blog for a while now. He's a dedicated gamer with
an ext...
Megadungeon Bindings!
When I used to game all the time, most of my GMing took place in Waterdeep
and Undermountain in the forgotten Realms. In order to keep everything
Meet the Party
I'm back in Poland for a few days. Which means it's time to move my D&D
campaign a bit. I have little time left to the session, so just take a look
at the...
The Perfect Answer to All the Financial Problems
Today loans are playing an integral part in the normal lives of people.
Gone were the days where availing loan of any kind was considered to be a
taboo. ...
[Article] Dwarves
A notably prominent demi-human race in *Dungeons & Dragons*, dwarves no
doubt owe their popularity to the success and mythology of Middle Earth.
Whilst ...
I should call this blog 2d6 h-town
Just got dungeon world.Liquid awesome on a stick. Waiting to play before
making any final conclusions but this what I have been waiting for. I still
dig me...
Lets Read Mythus pt 25
*Mythus* spell lists: my face when.
Last section of the *Advanced Mythus* spell lists sample castings, which so
far have been boring enough to make a Ch...
RIP Druid
Back in late autumn I began running a Dungeon World game with some friends.
They've been ever so patient with me over the past two years - we played Labyrin...
Charging Wands in Dungeons & Dragons
Looking through the rules in original D&D, wands and staves can apparently
only be made by Wizards (Magic-Users of 11th level) or higher. It also says
The Wilderlands
Four Dwarves seeking adventure and excitement crawled from there hole into
the grander world. There first two days away from the humble mines that
there fo...
Murderous Menagerie: The Hounds of Skaith
*I am Flay.*
He was big. The ridge of his spine would have reached Stark's shoulder. His
withers were high and powerful. The thick neck drooped with the we...
Guest Post: Setting Out for the Lost City
Originally posted on Jeffro's Space Gaming Blog:
Earlburt is my closest gaming friend, and has done more than any other
person to help bring the games I’ve ...
New Website & Blog Live
Finally the pieces start to come together. The new website is up (not much
on the front page to look at yet) and the blog is located on the second tab
at t...
Rental Equipment As a Business Strategy
During stock tracking, you might normally want to sell off rarely used and
even underused equipment. Turn these obligations into resources instead.
Create ...
New Site
I won't be using my Livejournal much more, I'm afraid. All of my new blog
posts can now be found at montecook.com. Hope to see you there!
Your Money or your Life!
The Lamentations of the Flame Princess adventure campaigns at Indiegogo are
now live! 19 adventures by really famous RPG blokes, such as Vincent Baker,
Review: John Carter
This weekend I undertook a trek to the cinema to catch John Carter. I
understand there was a lot of derision aimed at this film when it was
announced some...
The End
...and so, we arrive at the last page in this story! Ironic as it may be,
it will also be the first personal post. And last, of course.
I've been thinking ...
Terminal Space blog is closed. Time has showed that I am unable to maintain
two blogs at the same time, so I decided to move all creative content from
Closing Today
The Underdark Gazette will go Down, sometime after 11:00 PM, Central Time,
this evening. Please, if you would be so kind, update your links to my new
blog ...
The Iron Court
So, to celebrate the TPK-related end of the first (shortish) Zu campaign,
here's the map AND the key to the Iron Courts, the place where the party
has met ...
After-action report: Tomorrow's War
After a supply ship was brought down by Neo-Soviet recon elements on the
desert world Fornacis V, the decision was made to send in a retrieval squad
from ...
Dark Dungeons has Moved!
Dark Dungeons is no longer alone. It now has a sister game – Darker
Dungeons – and another one on the way. Because of this expansion, I’m
moving from this ...
Review #14: Farman
Jason Farman is an Assistant Professor at University of Maryland, who has
used Pervasive Games as material on his courses. He has published an
academic rev...
Quick comic recommendations and reviews
There are a lot of really great comics out there and with the changes at
Marvel & DC there is a lot to be excited about for comic book fans.
Here are a few ...
Blog Has Moved !
I have reboot and moved my blog. In all reality it is a new blog, but I
will explain that shortly. The new address is:
http://sylvaeon.blogspot.com/ The ...
Elminster's Jock
Yeah, this will drive traffic to the site.
Well, you can blame Brian, the creative genius over at d20monkey for this
one. He posted THIS COMIC, and I could...
Interesting Places: Tomb of Yekelil
Today's map is dedicated to all my Internet friends who hate blue maps.
This map revisits last year's map of the Tomb of Yekelil, one of the many
levels w...
Under-rated items of adventuring equipage.
*Never dungeoneer without your oily rag. *
Among the many uses of this inexpensive and over looked, but vital piece of
equipment are;
The oily rag is an...
Dungeon Magazine Indexes
So the other day I was thinking to myself about how it would be good to
have the various Dungeon Adventures organized not only by level, but also
by topic,...
Finding My Way
As mentioned in my last post I will continue blogging and I'll expand the
scope to include other facets to my life and interests. So it is with great
Fables of Camelot – Beta
Fables of Camelot is a roleplaying game I wrote with Sami Koponen this last
summer; Sami had been thinking of the problem of introducing roleplaying to
Fables of Camelot – Beta
Fables of Camelot is a roleplaying game I wrote with Sami Koponen this last
summer; Sami had been thinking of the problem of introducing roleplaying to
Pallas Cat
I am fascinated with the Pallas cat. If you notice, the pupil of their
eyes are round, not slit-like other cats.
Since it is Monday, here is a random beh...
In the Land of Ooo
As a Dad I get to watch plenty of cartoons created for kids. I have been
enjoying Dexter's Laboratory, Courage the Cowardly Dog and The Marvelous
Greyhawk Modules Online – Naerie Endures
Well, some of you may remember my involvement with the Living Greyhawk
campaign of yore. I was active in our local region, the Principality of
Naerie. Smal...
New Game and System
I've recently discovered Microlite20, a "stripped down" version of 3.5
Dungeons and Dragons. To give an idea, the core rules- including character
D&D was a Wargame
I have been giving this one some thought recently. I was first introduced
to wargames, and it was only afterwards that I started into D&D. The
concept of t...
This Is The End…My Only Friend, The End
This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end
Well folks, this is the very last post on this particular web
address. Everything...
Very cool. How did you draw it?
Hand drawn on chart paper (about 24"x30" or 30"x48" or something) folded into scannable regions, scanned, then I used gimpshop to create a layer over the scan (which I cropped, this is about one fifth or something of the total hand drawn world map) and then drew coastlines and forests on the layer, then started coloring. I wasn't sure how to do the mountains - but I just started drawing them in gimp (my originals were just upside down Vs and looked pretty bad). I chose two shades of brown to suggest a little depth on the mountain ranges. Not happy with the desert or the forest - happy with the water and pretty happy with the mountains.
I've been using AutoREALM with my maps and have been mostly happy with the results, although I am not able to do a large poster-size map. I thought about doing a hand-drawn map, as I have a cartography specialization as part of my undergrad degree (back in the pen & ink days) but I found I actually liked my AutoREALM maps.
I loved the look of your map. Nicely done.
I've tried autorealm a couple times - and I could never get it to do what I wanted to... I guess I'm just a pen in hand kind of guy (I even bought a pen and tablet for the PC thinking that I might actually be able to jump the curve...but I haven't been able to so far...)
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